"Throw Away" .............. lyrics- Dario
Made a big decision
To throw away the drivel
Throw away the drivel

Infatuation with degeneration
You've done nothing for me
You've done nothing for me
Degeneration of infatuation
Now I can't be free
You're stench is on me....

"All That Destroys" ......................lyrics by Mike
Let's burn down our tract houses
And live in the wrekage
I'll set fire to all my posessions
But I know I cant live without
My needs/My greed
Consume myself and everyone else

Society is a slow suicide
Destroys... all the beauty in life
Our souls our minds
And I'm left behind

Left behind with nothing but time
To sit and watch the world pass me by

All our destructive thoughts and actions
and fears will destroy any hope of fate
They tell me things will be okay but I cant
Breathe or feel and I have no escape.... no escape

"idealistic whore".............. lyrics- Dario

no incentive
no reason
no way to live how we wanna be
staring into an empty mirror
with an empty life
staring back at me

killing yourself
our way of life
we're all born under a bad sign

this is
what you want
but I just don't wanna hear it
fuck off
you'll sell yourself no matter what
idealistic whore

no incentive
no reason
how much longer
will we have to wait
till we all wind up
fucking dead
in this mess
we knew we'd take

and what else
will you do
give up chances
like no one tries
or sit in the corner
blame it on the greedy
when it's all the fault
of you and I

this is
what you want
but I just don't wanna hear it
fuck off
you'll sell yourself to anyone
idealistic whore

you're all just singing the same old song
do you even know whose side you're on?
can you tell black from white? that's just it
so give up your values, ideals are shit(?)

"nothing to say".............. lyrics- Dario

you're controlled,
told what to do.
don't it drive you so INSANE?
nothing to stand for,
their all just fake,
are you alive,
when you got nothing to say?

that's all you'll ever be

a robot, a tool, a machine

your logic is lies,
you're dead in my mind
it's all the same,
just shades of gray
you try and try to ignore it

you're controlled,
told what to do.
don't it drive you so INSANE?
nothing to stand for,
their all just fake,
are you alive,
when you got nothing to say?

that's all you'll ever be

"progress".............. lyrics- Dario

to cling to,
you got your religion
i got nothing
just my superstitions
waiting for the world to fall apart

write it off
just lunatic catastrophists
from apathetic,
do-nothing conventionalists
think with your mind
not with your heart

it'll be so great
it'll be so grand
to see the overflowing seas
wash away the land
and see the hole in the ozone
burn away our skin
you can fight the world
till it fucking wins

make way
for grazing fields now
they don't give a shit how
just wanna make a filthy buck
you disagree?
well, you're "unpatriotic"
can't you see
you're just fucking moronic?
as for progress,
I don't give a fuck

it'll be so great
it'll be so grand
to see the overflowing seas
wash away the land
and see the hole in the ozone
burn away our skin
you can fight the world
till it fucking wins

it'll be so great
it'll be so grand
to see the overflowing seas
wash away the land
and see the hole in the ozone
burn away our skin
you can fight the world
till it fucking wins

it wins
just getting closer and closer
to death

"God Told Me to"
I can see through the thin veil of your lies
Your false innocence false logic
I see through the thin veil of disguise
I see through you now and you make me sick

Oh what are you whining about
You're just a hypocrite
Suicidal hypocrisy logic is bullshit

"Out of Misery".............. lyrics- Dario
We're all fucking servants,
We're all fucking slaves to our own way of life
But its all the same
So what are you
Really sure of anyway?
So go ahead and live your disease in decay
Not sure about what your thinking really sure of anyway??????

We're all fucking servants,
We're all fucking slaves to our own way of life
But its all the same
So what are you
Really sure of anyway?
So go ahead and live your disease in decay
Not sure about what your thinking really sure of anyway??????

Something you'll never have
Something you'll never be
Something you'll never want
Something to put you out………..
Of Misery

"molded minds" lyrics- Nick

conformity echoes in my brain
in my head all words remain
silent greed spread upon the lies
withered hands and bloodshot eyes

train of thought replaced as clay
molded minds the world has made
screams so silenced cant be heard
warping the minds of boys girls
wasted bodies wasted minds
with no thought twe're left behind
wasted bodies wasted minds
wasted bodies molded minds

"Once Upon a Time".............. lyrics- Dario

Once upon a time and forever again
The inspiration's not a sense of worth my friend
Again and again and at all

YOu dont wanna fuck me around again
You dont wanna set me off my friend
Again and again and at all

Take off/Write off/slack off/ jack off/set off/fuck off
Again... over and over again
All the kings horses and all the kings men
Try to put me back together again but I'm gone

"Out of Misery".............. lyrics- Dario
We're all fucking servants
We're all fucking slaves
To our own way of life
But it's all the same
So what are you
Really sure of anyway
So go ahead and live your disease in decay
So go ahead and live your disease in decay

Something- you'll never have
Something- you'll never be
It's something- you'll never want
Something- to put you out.....
Of misery

"Send".............. lyrics- Dario
Stuck to the backwards technology that i create
Over backdrops of scenery I've grown to love and to hate
I stick my foot in my mouth
And my hand comes out the otherside
Jesus Christ couldn't save himself
So how the fuck should I?

Midnight breaks your hymen
The blood bleeds onto the floor
Midday breaks his conscience
Stench of perversion, diversion reeks through the door

Are stuck to the backwards technology that you create
And when it's all done and said
All that is left you have
No one not even yourself you can't take back
What is left of the shards of glass
Stuck in your back

Oh why?
Why? You send this unto me to me... to me....

"Mindrot".............. lyrics- Dario

Tailor home journey
There will always be strange things
Naaaa... Self home surgery
Is a pretty fucking mindrotten shit

False happiness are the walls of the prison
Properly done to cut off all circulation
Won't it be nice to feel the oblivion
Superficial reasons to make your decisions

There is only fantasies wherever you go
Now you make up your mind decide which one that you'll know
And beleve in something believe in something you don't believe
Give meaning to the void bullshit standards to achieve

Or give up and die
Cuz at least thats not a fucking lie

Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe
Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe
Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe
Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe

Runnning through your mind.... Thousands at a time...........
Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe
Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe
Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe
Swallow the bullshit you're forced to believe

There is only fantasies wherever you go
Now you make up your mind decide which one that you'll know
And beleve in something believe in something you don't believe
Give meaning to the void bullshit standards to achieve

False happiness are the walls of the prison
Properly done to cut off all circulation
Won't it be nice to feel the oblivion
Superficial reasons to make your decisions

Tailor home journey
There will always be strange things
Naaaa... Self home surgery
Is a pretty fucking mindrotten shit

"your life".............. lyrics- Dario

shut up and face reality
living in your fantasies that'll never be
shut up and face the rest of the day
contradictory bullshit in disarray

fall in line for the rest of your life
fall in love for the rest of your life
hate your life for the rest of your life
nothing to say for the rest of your life

does god have a bone to pick with you?
he don't give a fuck about what we do
just a figment of our imagination
for community, sanity, participation

to keep us there, keep us in line
don't need your help I'm doing fine (are you?)
don't need your opinion of morality
think for myself like how it should be

"Nihil Ex Nihilo".............. lyrics- Dario
Out of nothing born
Out of the shit of rubble form
You can see them in
Their different lights
But either one of which is right
And neither one of which is right
Dont you go on and say
'Some other day'
Because you won't....

Here the light is now
And what was up is once was down
And in the end you might have said
That you've been all around
But never anywhere to be found
Say it everday
Sometime someway
Because you don't....

None of which is right.........

© 2000-2002 Kevorkian Christmas Special